The Essex Book Festival is set to take place during March. There will be range of interesting events taking place around Essex. Further infomation and a listing of all the events can be found at Have a look.
Along with fellow artists from artbookart, I will be showing work on March 1st at Chelmsford Library as the launch gets under way. Various artbooks will be on show, and a selection of photographs of our work will be dispalyed for the duration of the festival. We will also be holding a workshop on the 16th March at Hadleigh Old Fire Station. 'Bookbinding for the Curious' is an introduction to making your own books. No expereince required. For more infomation contact [email protected]
I am always curious how many people have walked this same small stretch of coast alongside the River Thames. I leave a brief transitory mark, which on my return the next day is erased. How many people have walked before me, and will walk here after? What pulls us to the coast line? I love living by this estuary. Regardless of how often I walk this same little patch there is always something new to catch my attention. It is never the same, whether it is the changing light (the sun had just crept above the horizon today), the state of the tide, the cockle boats leaving or container ships arriving - it is always on the move. During the winter the edges of the water are inhabited by the most beautiful little birds - I think they are Dunlins.They frantically scurry back and forth searching for food. A winter visitor. It is easy to miss them if you rush by as they blend so well with their surroundings. I couldn't help noticing all the boats chained to the railings where each set of steps give you access to the beach. While Cambridge has its bicycles, Southend has its small rowing boats! I find interest in the less obvious views. Weathered by the sand and the tides, these boards take on a subtle sheen.
An Inventory of Al-Mutanabbi Street opens today at the John Rylands Library in Manchester. The exhibition is the result of a project concieved by poet Beau Beausoleil and Artist Sarah Bodman. Book artists were asked to produce work which reflected both the strength and fragility of books, but also showed the endurance of the ideas held with in them.
There will be a curators tour with Sarah Bodman on Tuesday 5th March. If you are unable to visit the show the books can be viewed . Further infomation about the project which has been running for several years can be found at Two other sites of interest relating to the show worth visiting include Artist Stephanie Sauer who has made a great video of her contribution and Anettes blog |
ArtistWelcome. I am also part of Bookscapes Collective.
Bookscapes is a group of six artists that have developed a group practice specialising in site specific interventions and exhibitions. Learn More> Archives
July 2023